Monday 18 June 2018

Co-existence 1: First Contact

I used to think I was odd, that my experiences meant that I should keep quiet, in case I unsettle others, make them feel uncomfortable or, worse yet, have them judge me as ‘nuts’.  Being trivialised and side-lined isn’t a new experience to me.  It is deeply shaming and evokes tremendous feelings of unworthiness, regret for being who I am and fearfulness. 
The events I discuss below, I have discussed with barely a handful of people in the 17 years since they occurred, but with the help of one or two wonderfully encouraging people, I’m starting to claim my unique … well, shall we call them, ‘quirks’!

That said, I have butterflies flying through my body as I write this.  What will friends and family think of me, if they even read this!  How much weirder will I seem now?  However, one of these encouraging friends, Narendra, thought that my experiences may help others who have been through this process, which he very eloquently describes as Co-existence. 
In the summer of 2001, I was staying with a couple, they were new friends and they were Spiritualists, though I had no idea what that meant then, or now really, apart from the fact that they were more open than most people I met about the existence of Galactics, a Higher Self and other higher dimensional beings. 
On a warm June evening, as I sat on their couch I felt impelled to rearrange the crystals on a cabinet top.  Every 30 minutes or so, I would return to change the sequencing of the crystals and to turn a pink crystal exactly 33 1/3 degrees.  I became vaguely aware that I wasn’t quiet ‘all there’, a bit like being light-headed when your attention isn’t focused but, paradoxically, my attention was laser-like in its focus on the task in hand.
Simultaneously, I developed a gentle awareness that I was opening a portal.  Back in 2001, the only portals that existed were on television, in sci-fi programmes.  Average people weren’t discussing them, much less opening them, or so I thought!  And despite thinking I was nuts, I continued to move the crystals around, as directed by this inner knowing.
A few hours later, though the details are none too sharp any longer, still on the couch, I came to realise that I was not alone inside my body.  There was another presence, with a strong masculine signature, who was communicating with me, from inside me.  I could ‘feel’ his communication, which wasn’t through words, but more like a ‘package’ of information that contained feelings, images, insights and downloads in a burst.
Soon after this realisation, he spoke through me, to my friends.  I suddenly had a male voice!  Well, I use the term ‘I’ in the loosest possible manner!  It was him.  I remember how painful it was for my vocal cords, it felt as though I was coarsely grating them.  As he spoke, I was conscious of the profound, simple wisdom of his words and the innocence of his incredible sense of humour.  He was utterly charming and for the ten days or so that he stayed with me, I was enveloped in the most wonderful, high vibrational energy.  It was exquisite.
Because I no longer have an account of all our adventures together, there are many details and even more teachings and wisdom that I have sadly forgotten.  There are other details that are still sharp and clear, and yet more events of which I only have only a partial memory.
But I shall try to pull these together, over a series of blogs, lest they help others.

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