Thursday 28 May 2020

Divine Mother: The purpose of my channels

Brown Wooden House during Night Time

stein egil liland

J: Mother, in your channels, why don’t you tell us about what’s going on in the ‘battle’ for ascension?  Why don’t you forewarn us, so that we may be prepared for things like the lockdown?

DM: My dear child, I am so pleased that you have asked me, as many of my children have wondered this very thing.  And my question to you is: what kind of mother would I be if I did that?

J: I’m sure I would warn my son.  Actually, I’m always warning him about things!

DM: This is true, and perhaps you would like to reconsider this after this session.

J: I’m sure I will!

DM: My role as a mother, indeed the archetypal energy of a mother, is creation.  It is creation of the child, of the human; but not just the physical form, it is also the creation of the emotion, mental and spiritual bodies of the child.

I have created all my children, those who appear to have strayed from the path of light from which they came, and those who are steadily increasing the radiance of their light.  I never pit one child against another.  I never root for one child over another.  

There are divine rules in place that enable all children to learn the lessons of the light, which will bring them home to their True Self.  Each child will learn these lessons in their own time, in their own way, and develop their own unique understanding of existence in that process: just like human children.  

These rules include free will and karma.  There is also an Amplification of Light principal, which allows those who reach a certain level of spiritual maturity to expand their light exceptionally quickly by sharing their lived experience of light and love, with others so that they may expand also.  It is rather like more capable students tutoring students who are struggling more with the lesson plan.

If I were to ‘forewarn you’, I would be robbing you of the experiences you require to grow.  

My purpose is to provide you with a spiritual compass.  When I come to you, I bring divine love.  I recharge your batteries.  I remind you of your ‘true north’, the direction in which you need to go to return Home.  

My purpose is not to provide you with the answers so that you may cheat in the exam.  My purpose is to equip you with the wisdom that will allow you to pass the test yourself.

J: So, is this a test?

DM: It is an expansion.  Before each expansion there is a contraction, a moment when all the lessons you have learnt, all the understanding you have gained will need to be applied, in order to move into the expansion.  This is that contraction and expansion.

J: So not an exam?

DM: It is the expression of your learning in practice.  The role of exams and tests on earth is a distortion - invented to curb ability, not free it; to undermine you, not expand you.  

The process of returning to the light is never about exam stress and failure.  It is about expanding into the fullest experience of who you are in any given moment, and especially in this now.

My divine children, you are doing wonderfully.  No mother could be more joy-filled by the sincere love of her children applied everywhere.  

When you feel you are exhausted, disheartened or angry, please come to me and I will recharge you; I will nourish your soul and restore your heart.  I am always by your side.

J: Thank you so very much.  That was incredibly helpful.

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Xiaera: Begin now

Butterflies Perched on Flower
Jimmy Chan:

J: Xiaera, welcome.  I feel you have come forward to communicate.  What do you wish to share?

X: Greetings beloved brothers and sisters of the light.  We are very glad to be in your presence again and to have the opportunity to share our perspective, our experience of this stage in the end times, the end games.

Although you may consider this anything but a game, at the highest level, the off-planet level, those who are ‘pulling the strings’ consider this as meaningfully as a game.  

They care not for humanity.  They know they can no longer exploit Gaia and her population, and most have left or been dealt with; the events you are experiencing now are the result of those on planet fighting for their very survival.  

Some of them will stop at nothing.  Others have had second thoughts and have seen the error of their ways.  All of them were indoctrinated in the way that you as a population have been programmed and manipulated.  Not one of them is unworthy of your compassion and forgiveness.  

They have chosen a difficult path, for the karmic weight they carry is not one you would wish to endure.  Yet this concentration of darkness had to be played out, so that the light would be revealed and would, eventually, light up even the darkest corners.

Now, to events afoot.  There is much change as you know and you will not have to wait for much longer to have the proof that many of you have yearned for, so that those still asleep may awaken.  As I mentioned when we last communed, the hologram is rupturing.  There are illusions you cannot conceive of that will become clear.  Finally, all will make sense.

At this time, we would share some ‘self-care’ suggestions.  In the current situation, it is crucial that your vibration remain as high, clear and loving as is possible for you.  Focus on all that these new times will bring you, on the deep, nourishing satisfaction that you will feel when love is shared freely among all people, when you are united for the common cause of the upliftment of all.

Be aware of what is going on, but NOT at the cost of your vibration.  When you are feeling overwhelmed, saturated, hopeless or even dirty, pull back.  Recentre: in whatever way uplifts you.
Begin now.  Share seeds with others, but do not overwhelm the sleepers.  No one likes to be awakened by a bucket of ice water thrown over them.  

Begin now.  Live life as you intend to live it, when love is the currency.  By this, we mean live now with love, with joy, with kindness, with compassion.  Life lived with the values, virtues and qualities of spirit are the scaffolding of the New Earth.  Better to raise that scaffolding now, as it will make the transition when the pivot point comes much easier, as you will already be used to living a life of loving service.

Begin now.  Gratitude.  Whether it is for the sunshine, the breeze, the air you breathe, the joy on the faces of others… a life of gratitude is a life of blessing.  It is walking on a velvet carpet, regardless of the terrain you are crossing.

The days and weeks ahead will demand all that you are: your compassion, composure, forgiveness, understanding, empathy and love.  When you are overwhelmed, retreat and renourish your heart.
This is the time.  You are in the Now moment that you have planned and trained for at a soul level for eons.  This is the dawn.  You are love incarnate.

J: Thank you so much Xiaera.  

X: With our love and blessings to you all.

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Xiaera: This hollogram will rupture

Rectangular Wooden Frame Mirror
Mariana Blue:
Note: After an intense meditation process today, Xiaera (pronouned Sheer-a) came forward.  I have never communicated with her before, not consciously, at least!  In explaining her session to a friend, the image I had was that we are in the car, on the Ascension Freeway, however, what we see through the car windows is not the reality.  It is a projection that has have been 'harvested' from the fear among humanity and developed into a hologram.  That hologram is projected onto our car windows, so we don't know we are on the freeway; but if we were outside the car, we would see mountains, nature, loving friends and Galactics everywhere. Very soon, the hologram will crumble.

 Jennifer: Hello, do you have anything you wish to offer.

Xiaera: Hello, I am Xiaera.

J: Hello, thank you for connecting with me.  I’ve never been through such a process.  I see you as a tall feline on two legs, 
rather human like.  Am I correct?

X: Yes.  That is correct.
We are here to bring assistance and light to humanity.

J: Thank you. As you may be aware the present situation is upsetting a lot fo people. What can you say to offer comfort or uplift?

X: The pain is noted, however, if you could see your planet in the way we perceive it, energetically, you would see that the waves of darkness are, though they swirl all over your planet, that energy is finding less and less places to land, to connect and to feed off lower vibration energy.  

Although it may seem that many people are the same as before, deep within them, their energy signatures are evolving rapidly and becoming more refined.    The light is now outstripping the darkness for the first time on your planet in millennia.  

J: That’s great news.  Thank you.  But what about some tangible change.  This seems to be going on with no end in sight.

The ‘end’ of this process will be abrupt, a rupture, as if the hologram creating the current situation is ruptured.  The true vision is spill out in different locations of the globe, as if a hologram is breaking down, and cannot be sustained.  It will fizzle and then then disappear.

J: So are you saying the current virus is a hologram?  

X: That is one way of understanding it.  You are on the ascension timeline, this cannot be altered, but it can be seeded with lower vibration thoughts which are taken from humanity, and then woven together to make a picture, an illusion projected that seems real, but is not.

J: So we can disregard the virus and the protocols?

X: Not entirely.  The virus can still make you ill, because it can be ‘launched’ in most people, triggered.  However, it is manmade and weak, it will collapse.

J: Can you made that more concrete for us?

I’m getting nothing.  That might be my own blocks.

X: It is not yet time.  It will come.

The focus needs to be not on a vaccine, but on how you create expansion, joy.  Now is the moment to look to your own life, see the pains that still linger and actively heal them, see where you have inflicted pain and make it right.  

This is the time for releasing the last residues of the old 3D behind, come into the alignment of creating only the good and the wholesome and the fulfilling.  Living in alignment with the best of who you know yourself to be.  That is the message of this time.  That is the single greatest action that humanity can currently take.

You are now on a positive, high vibrating space, the clearer and cleaner you make your energy, intentions and actions… Then you affect, on a moment by moment basis, the lifting vibration of humanity and Gaia, and the healing waves of light.  

Very soon these swirling grey energies will lift off the planet as they have no one to, or too few, to connect with, as humanity will no longer provide a harmonic resonance for them.  They will disappear, as will other phenomena associated with lower vibrational energies.

J: Thank you.  So you are urging us to look within, forgive and be forgiven, is that correct?

X: Yes.  There is no space in this process for fear.  It is the expansion of healing love.  It is the healing and perfect acceptance offered by the Christ energy that walked your planet.  But you are all now endowed with this energy, it is your birth right as humans and it is now beginning to increase within you, as the vibrations increase.  So you may use your inner Christ energy, divine spark, to heal yourselves, forgive yourselves and others.  

J: That’s wonderfully simple – if not always easy! – thank you.

X: It is a pleasure.