Thursday 13 December 2012

Kiss kiss

Hello! And sorry it's been so long since I last wrote.  I don't know where the time has gone. 

James is growing fast.  On Monday he finally found the M in his name: he no longer calls himself Jeyes!  It's James.  James Crokaert!

He knows a little about Christmas which he calls Kiss kiss- possibly even better than the word Christmas!  He can sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Old MacDonalds Farm and a version of Jingle Bells.

I probably won't be on again until after the New Year.  We have the in laws coming for nine days so I'm preparing for that.  The windows are washed (all three of them!) and the rest remains to be done.

I wish you and your family every possible blessing in this, the time of truly epic transformation and blessing, on December 21st most notably. 

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Mum's the word!

On Monday James started calling me 'Mum'.  Where did that come from?!  I have no idea but I observe it with a mixture of surprise and humour.  He still uses Mama and Mummy, with regular sprinklings of Mum.  How odd!

He had his two year review this week.  As he's almost 26 months I thought he'd be ahead of the curve.  Not so.  I walked out very dejected.  As he's my full time job, it was rather deflating to hear that there were areas where he needs additional assistance: nothing serious, he's a little behind on speech and walking. 

As I reflected on the visit afterwards, I realised it was a perfect reflection of my attitude to parenting: surface level problems but the foundations are sound.  I feel the same way about my day to day parenting: there are many challenges and I worry a lot that I'm not doing the best possible for him, but underneath it all, it's all good.

It was quite startling to see my 'mothering world' reflected back to me so very accurately.  It's true what they say, 'as on the inside, so it is on the outside.'