You are a genius.
Every one of you was born with a seed of genius within. The word has been distorted, stolen by an
elite to protect their small circle. But
the reality is, every child of mine was born with a unique genius that you
brought to share with the planet, in order to create heaven on earth.
Imagine a jigsaw puzzle.
Each piece is unique. Each one of
you is also unique and without your unique genius, the puzzle would not be
As you surrender time, by focusing instead on the inner flow
of your intuition - your ‘small voice’, your inner knowing - you release
yourself from the 3D paradigm, from the 3D framework, that is now almost
completely crumbled.
To follow your intuition takes courage, but it is wiser than
your ego-self. Your intuition lifts you
out of time and into the fourth and fifth dimensions, where your genius becomes
It is not found in a checklist or a process of
elimination. It is presents itself to
you, wrapped in joy and delight. Follow
that joy and delight: where does it lead you?
Then let your genius step forward to greet you, one step at
the time, dancing with joy beyond the framework of the 3D.
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