A New Light on Ascension by Diana Cooper
I feel as though I'm very blessed in my reading! It seems as though I'm led to each book I read by a magical thread that knows exactly what I need to learn at each moment.
So I thought I'd begin sharing the books I read with you.
I've just read an amazing book, A New Light on Ascension. If you have any interest in the Ascension process, this book is fascinating. It helped me understand a more subtle process that we are involved in as the planet moves through this period of deep cosmic change.
Many of you know I am fascinated by angels and the divine - this book goes into more detail on how we can work with divine beings, including angels and ascended masters. It also explains how we can open up to more of our potential and be of greater service to the planet and humanity.
The chapters include: The Monad, Abundance, Ritual and Ceremony, Reiki and Spiritual Healing and The Power of Your Name.
If this brief overview has piqued your interest, I suggest you check out Diana Cooper's website.
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