Day in, day out, we breathe...
We give it such little attention, this magical process. Yet breathing is a mysterious process... it is where the intangible becomes tangible, where air fuels our body.
It links our ephemeral spirit and the physicality of our human bodies. With each breath in, we inhale the intangible...
We trust completely that there is an abundance of the air we need. We don't fret or worry about it: this energy is here for us all... to use freely.
With each breath out, we release... we relax... we surrender... we share from the centre of our beings with everyone else. Freely...
And in the moment between the inhalation... and the exhalation... there is a minute pause. A stillness. A moment when intangible and tangible, spirit and body, are one.
We use it passively, never doubting our ability to breathe, but we can also use it actively. It is a powerful tool that is constantly with us. Our breath can calm us… it can release our pent up fears and frustrations.
We can use it to glide us into more peaceful states, to float into balance... to use its waves as a soothing lullaby to our sometimes ragged spirits.
Breathing in peace, breathing out release
Breathing in peace, breathing out release
Breathing in peace, breathing out light
Breathing in peace, breathing out light
Breathing in peace, breathing out joy
Breathing in peace, breathing out joy
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